European energy standards Kosovo away!

Eastern Europe stands at a crossroads , with regard to energy development plans on the one hand and respect for European standards on the other . About 30 billion euros will be invested in Eastern European countries in energy projects within the next ten years .

Decisions to be taken by the governments of Eastern Europe , will determine the level of security of energy projects and therefore the level of impact of energy projects on the environment , such as water and air .

Given the obligations that countries in the region have in respect of the energy standards of the EU, the situation on the ground , and challenges in decision-making , the question naturally arises : which direction are walking Eastern European countries ?
Comparing data between seven Eastern European countries : Albania , Bosnia - Herzegovina , Croatia , Kosovo, Macedonia , Montenegro and Serbia , shows best the state governments commitment to ensure sustainable energy development and respect EU standards , said in a prepared project for this area by ATRC and six non-governmental organization of six East European countries .
Energy Efficiency , 2020
According to EU standards by 2010 energy efficiency should be 20 % . While Croatia only provides 20% efficiency value by this time , and Kosovo , Macedonia , Albania , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Montenegro and Serbia until 2018 only provide efficiency up to 9 % , stated in this document .

Dirty electricity ( energy produced by burning solids ) , 2010

During the 2010 energy spotted in the EU member states has been : 24.7 % or 827.8 TWh . Meanwhile Kosovo during 2010 rose to 96.5 % or 4,989 GWh , Macedonia 65.3 % or 4,743 GWh , Albania 0 % .
Solar and wind energy , 2010
In 2010 the member states of the EU , are producing about 172.200 GWh . In Kosovo , while only 1 GWh , while in Albania and Macedonia 0 GWh .
Theft and loss of energy , 2010
In 2010 the member states of the EU , about 23.4 % of the energy produced energy is reported as stolen or lost , and in Kosovo, about 40.5 % of the energy is lost as reported in Albania about 25 , 3%, 11% Macedonia .

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