Civil Defence and Serbian officials, will not enter Kosovo

Day of Silence election and runoff election day on December 1 will not be allowed any Serb officials who remain in Kosovo , and also even the so-called civil defense . So said Minister of Internal Affairs , Bajram Rexhepi, who said that even if no request to stay in Kosovo , they will not be accepted .
After the meeting of the Government , Minister Rexhepi said that in cooperation with EULEX and KFOR are making preparations for a runoff election this time and expect to go smooth and without the use of violence .

Rexhepi : I would not be allowed Serbian officials to enter Kosovo ( Video )
"I will not have such opportunity because it adhered to all the rules of the CEC that the day of silence , even on election day no such officials would not be allowed such officials , as in the left early in Mitrovica revote , the so-called civil defense , will not be present , "said Rexhepi .
Also during the press conference , Rexhepi confirmed that on December 9th will begin production of biometric ID cards . While he noted that the request is accepted Turkish community that this community IDs to be printed in the Turkish language .

" In one of the points that have been discussed earlier request of the Turkish community , which when produced biometric ID cards for members of the Turkish community to be written in Turkish . This has been the case with such documents , and we have applications before the Turkish committee , as Yagcilar Minister and other MPs and they can inform you that on December 9th will begin production of biometric ID cards today can shape how we present will also appear in the Turkish language , "said Rexhepi .

Meanwhile, the Minister of Public Administration , Mahir Yagcilar was satisfied this requirement with the approval of his community , while also presented a sample that looks like an identity card printed in Turkish .

" One of the important issues for Kosovo regarding the stabilization and association agreement , has been the production of documents or civil status documents and I as citizens of Kosovo and a member of the Turkish community , have announced the addition of biometric identity card in language English, Albanian , Serbian and Turkish . I am pleased and believe that will be one of the positive evaluations in terms of biometric documents , but also in terms of meeting the law on language use , "said Yagcilar .

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